American Airlines Group Inc | AAL.USX
United States - USD

Stock Exchange: NasdaqGS

Symbol: AAL

Sector: Industrials

Industry: Airlines

About American Airlines Group Inc

American Airlines Group Inc., through its subsidiaries, operates as a network air carrier. The company provides scheduled air transportation services for passengers and cargo through its hubs in Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C., as well as through partner gateways in London, Doha, Madrid, Seattle/Tacoma, Sydney, and Tokyo. It operates a mainline fleet of 965 aircraft. The company was formerly known as AMR Corporation and changed its name to American Airlines Group Inc. in December 2013. American Airlines Group Inc. was founded in 1926 and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas.

American Airlines Group Inc Stats

Previous close:Daily change:
52-Week High:52-Week Low:
Market Cap:Beta:
7.0 Billion1.45

American Airlines Group Inc Key Financials

P/E Ratio:Revenues:Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
14.324353.4 Billion2.00%23.89%
Dividend Yield:Net Income:Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
3.03%-121.0 Million-46.20%-0.23%
P/E Ratio:Revenues:
14.324353.4 Billion
Dividend Yield:Net Income:
3.03%-121.0 Million
Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
ParametersStocks Investing
Stock CurrencyUSD
Dividend PayingYes
Fractional SharesNo
Maximum Shares100 Shares
Tick value per 1 share0.01 USD
Trading Commission0%
Minimum Price Increment0.01
Limit and Stop Levels0.0
Negative balance protectionNo
Swap free days allowanceN/A
Own the underlying AssetNo
Platform symbolAAL.USX
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