Agilent Technologies Inc | A.USX
United States - USD

Stock Exchange: NYSE

Symbol: A

Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Diagnostics & Research

About Agilent Technologies Inc

Agilent Technologies, Inc. provides application focused solutions to the life sciences, diagnostics, and applied chemical markets worldwide. The company operates in three segments: Life Sciences and Applied Markets, Diagnostics and Genomics, and Agilent CrossLab. The Life Sciences and Applied Markets segment offers liquid chromatography systems and components; liquid chromatography mass spectrometry systems; gas chromatography systems and components; gas chromatography mass spectrometry systems; inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry instruments; atomic absorption instruments; microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometry instruments; inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry instruments; raman spectroscopy; cell analysis plate based assays; flow cytometer; real-time cell analyzer; cell imaging systems; microplate reader; laboratory software; information management and analytics; laboratory automation and robotic systems; dissolution testing; and vacuum pumps, and measurement technologies. The Diagnostics and Genomics segment focuses on genomics, nucleic acid contract manufacturing and research and development, pathology, companion diagnostics, reagent partnership, and biomolecular analysis businesses. The Agilent CrossLab segment provides GC and LC columns, sample preparation products, custom chemistries, and laboratory instrument supplies; and offers services portfolio, including repairs, parts, maintenance, installations, training, compliance support, software as a service, asset management, and consulting services. The company markets its products through direct sales, distributors, resellers, manufacturer's representatives, and electronic commerce. Agilent Technologies, Inc. was incorporated in 1999 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

Agilent Technologies Inc Stats

Previous close:Daily change:
52-Week High:52-Week Low:
Market Cap:Beta:
40.1 Billion1.05

Agilent Technologies Inc Key Financials

P/E Ratio:Revenues:Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
32.54036.6 Billion-8.40%50.63%
Dividend Yield:Net Income:Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
0.70%1.2 Billion2.90%18.84%
P/E Ratio:Revenues:
32.54036.6 Billion
Dividend Yield:Net Income:
0.70%1.2 Billion
Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
ParametersStocks Investing
Stock CurrencyUSD
Dividend PayingYes
Fractional SharesNo
Maximum Shares100 Shares
Tick value per 1 share0.01 USD
Trading Commission0%
Minimum Price Increment0.01
Limit and Stop Levels0.0
Negative balance protectionNo
Swap free days allowanceN/A
Own the underlying AssetNo
Platform symbolA.USX
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HYCM Limitedは、セントビンセントおよびグレナディーン諸島地域で法人化された事業会社(法人番号:25228 BC 2018)です。

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