AmerisourceBergen Corp | ABC.USX
United States - USD

Stock Exchange: NYSE

Symbol: ABC

Sector: Healthcare

Industry: Medical Distribution

About AmerisourceBergen Corp

AmerisourceBergen Corporation sources and distributes pharmaceutical products. Its U.S. Healthcare Solutions segment distributes brand-name and generic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter healthcare products, home healthcare supplies and equipment, and related services to acute care hospitals and health systems, independent and chain retail pharmacies, mail order pharmacies, medical clinics, long-term care and alternate site pharmacies, and other customers. The company also provides pharmacy management, staffing, and other consulting services; supply management software to retail and institutional healthcare providers; packaging solutions to various institutional and retail healthcare providers; clinical trial support, product post-approval, and commercialization support services; data analytics, outcomes research, and additional services for biotechnology and pharmaceutical manufacturers; and pharmaceuticals, vaccines, parasiticides, diagnostics, micro feed ingredients, and other products to customers in the companion animal and production animal markets, as well as demand-creating sales force services to manufacturer. In addition, this segment distributes plasma and other blood products, injectable pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other specialty products; and provides other services primarily to physicians who specialize in various disease states, primarily oncology, as well as to other healthcare providers, including hospitals and dialysis clinics. The company's International Healthcare Solutions segment offers international pharmaceutical wholesale and related service, and global commercialization services; and distributes pharmaceuticals, other healthcare products, and related services to pharmacies, doctors, health centers and hospitals primarily in Europe. This segments also provides specialty transportation and logistics services for the biopharmaceutical industry. The company was incorporated in 2001 and is headquartered in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

AmerisourceBergen Corp Stats

Previous close:Daily change:
52-Week High:52-Week Low:
Market Cap:Beta:
36.1 Billion0.56

AmerisourceBergen Corp Key Financials

P/E Ratio:Revenues:Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
21.922254.4 Billion11.50%3.38%
Dividend Yield:Net Income:Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
1.08%1.7 Billion22.40%0.66%
P/E Ratio:Revenues:
21.922254.4 Billion
Dividend Yield:Net Income:
1.08%1.7 Billion
Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
ParametersStocks Investing
Stock CurrencyUSD
Dividend PayingYes
Fractional SharesNo
Maximum Shares100 Shares
Tick value per 1 share0.01 USD
Trading Commission0%
Minimum Price Increment0.01
Limit and Stop Levels0.0
Negative balance protectionNo
Swap free days allowanceN/A
Own the underlying AssetNo
Platform symbolABC.USX
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