Advance Auto Parts Inc | AAP.USX
United States - USD

Stock Exchange: NYSE

Symbol: AAP

Sector: Consumer Cyclical

Industry: Specialty Retail

About Advance Auto Parts Inc

Advance Auto Parts, Inc. provides automotive replacement parts, accessories, batteries, and maintenance items for domestic and imported cars, vans, sport utility vehicles, and light and heavy duty trucks. The company offers battery accessories; belts and hoses; brakes and brake pads; chassis and climate control parts; clutches and drive shafts; engines and engine parts; exhaust systems and parts; hub assemblies; ignition components and wires; radiators and cooling parts; starters and alternators; and steering and alignment parts. It also offers air conditioning chemicals and accessories; air fresheners; antifreeze and washer fluids; electrical wires and fuses; electronics; floor mats, seat covers, and interior accessories; hand and specialty tools; lighting products; performance parts; sealants, adhesives, and compounds; tire repair accessories; vent shades, mirrors and exterior accessories; washes, waxes and cleaning supplies; and wiper blades. In addition, the company offers air filters; fuel and oil additives; fuel filters; grease and lubricants; motor oils; oil filters, part cleaners and treatments; and transmission fluids for engine maintenance. Further, it offers battery and wiper installation; engine light scanning and checking; electrical system testing, including batteries, starters, and alternators; oil and battery recycling; and loaner tool program services. Additionally, the company sells its products through its website. It serves professional installers and do-it-yourself customers. The company operates stores under the Advance Auto Parts and Carquest names, as well as branches under the Worldpac name. The company has stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada; and independently owned Carquest branded stores in Mexico and various Caribbean Islands. Advance Auto Parts, Inc. was founded in 1929 and is based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Advance Auto Parts Inc Stats

Previous close:Daily change:
52-Week High:52-Week Low:
Market Cap:Beta:
2.9 Billion1.19

Advance Auto Parts Inc Key Financials

P/E Ratio:Revenues:Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
61.506311.3 Billion-0.10%39.60%
Dividend Yield:Net Income:Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
2.43%-12.2 Million-43.20%-0.11%
P/E Ratio:Revenues:
61.506311.3 Billion
Dividend Yield:Net Income:
2.43%-12.2 Million
Revenue Growth:Gross Margin:
Earnings Growth:Net Income Margin:
ParametersStocks Investing
Stock CurrencyUSD
Dividend PayingYes
Fractional SharesNo
Maximum Shares100 Shares
Tick value per 1 share0.01 USD
Trading Commission0%
Minimum Price Increment0.01
Limit and Stop Levels0.0
Negative balance protectionNo
Swap free days allowanceN/A
Own the underlying AssetNo
Platform symbolAAP.USX
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