Dagangkan Tukaran Mata Wang Asing Dengan Broker Yang Anda Boleh Percayai

Keadaan Perdagangan Terunggul oleh Broker Tukaran Mata Wang Asing Terbaik Eropah 2018*
Buka Akaun Anda
HYCM Ltd is authorized and regulated under the CIMA

Dikawal selia oleh:FCA, CySEC & CIMA

Sebaran daripada:0.2 PIPS

Ditubuhkan Sejak:1977**

Dagangkan 300+ Produk

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Harga Belian
Perubahan dalam tempoh
Harga Belian
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Mengapa HYCM?

HYCM merupakan salah satu daripada nama yang paling dikenali dalam industri tukaran mata wang asing, dengan sejarah operasi Kumpulan selama 40 tahun. Dengan rekod latar dalam menyediakan pengalaman perdagangan yang unggul dan boleh dipercayai kepada pelanggannya, HYCM menawarkan klien segala yang mereka perlukan untuk melakukan keputusan perdagangan yang bermakluman.

Mula Berdagang
HYCM Ltd is authorized and regulated under the CIMA
Leveraj sehingga:
Pelaksanaan arahan purata
Dikawal selia oleh:
Keselamatan dana
Akaun terpisah dalam institusi perbankan Tingkat-1
Mula Berdagang

Sejarah HYCM


Pedagang Emas Henyep menyertai Persatuan Pertukaran Emas dan Perak Hong Kong.


Henyep menubuhkan pejabat luar negara ke-25.


Henyep Investment (UK) Ltd diberi lesen oleh FCA UK.


Henyep Investment (UK) Ltd melancarkan platform perdagangan dalam talian HY Markets.


2014 HYCM (Europe) Ltd ditubuhkan dan diberi lesen oleh CySEC.


2018 HYCM Limited ditubuhkan dan diberi lesen oleh CIMA.

Jenis Akaun untuk Disesuaikan kepada mana-mana Gaya Perdagangan

Target Beli
Target Jual
Dikuasakan oleh
pusat perdagangan

Mula Berdagang Today

HYCM Ltd is authorized and regulated under the CIMA
*HYCM’s journey started since 1998.

High Risk Investment Warning: Contracts for Difference (‘CFDs’) are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading CFDs carries a high degree of risk. It is possible to lose all your capital. These products may not be suitable for everyone and you should ensure that you understand the risks involved. Seek independent expert advice if necessary and speculate only with funds that you can afford to lose. Please think carefully whether such trading suits you, taking into consideration all the relevant circumstances as well as your personal resources. We do not recommend clients posting their entire account balance to meet margin requirements. Clients can minimise their level of exposure by requesting a change in leverage limit. For more information please refer to HYCM’s Risk Disclosure.

Disclaimer: The content of this page is for information purposes only and it is not intended as a recommendation or advice. Any indication of past performance or simulated past performance included in advertisements published by HYCM is not a reliable indicator of future results. The customer carries the sole responsibility for all the businesses or investments that are carried out at HYCM. Any opinions made may be personal to the author and may not reflect the opinions of HYCM. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice. This material is considered a marketing communication and does not contain, and should not be construed as containing, investment advice or an investment recommendation or, an offer of or solicitation for any transactions in financial instruments. HYCM makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, nor any loss arising from any investment based on a recommendation, forecast or other information supplied by an employee of HYCM, a third party or otherwise.

Regional Restrictions: We do not offer our services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as Afghanistan, Belgium, Hong Kong, Japan, the United States of America and some other regions. For more information please refer to our Help Center .

Fully Regulated

HYCM Limited is a Business Company incorporated in the St Vincent and the Grenadines region with incorporation number 25228 BC 2018.

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